Saturday, October 17, 2015

The comfort of having a creature of one's own

That wee little puppy in the last blog of that many years ago is now a grown-up little dog. He is a delightful little guy.
He has some routines that make me smile daily. For example, he curls up beside me in bed every night. When he thinks I am asleep (his decision) he jumps down and sleeps in the place on the floor of his choosing. How sweet it is to have a fur buddy cuddle with you 'til you fall asleep.
He has his own fur buddy. He has carried his fur buddy around with him for years now. It is a little bear. It is bedraggled. He hauls it outside with him and hauls it back inside again. He brings his soft toy teddy bear every where. His bear get to enjoy sitting in sun beam's light with him.
Interestingly, he doesn't bring the teddy up on the bed at night, and I rather think he jumps down after putting me to sleep so he can sleep with his bear.
He is a delightful little guy.